The DWZRV (German Sighthound Breeding and Racing Club) regulates the breeding, coursing, and racing of sighthounds, including Azawakh, in Germany. Club members are encouraged to work within certain parameters designed to enhance and/or maintain both the beauty and the performance abilities of their hounds. In addition to preserving phenotype breeders should also strive to maintain a standard of strength and agility which would insure an Azawakh’s survival were it returned to it’s country of origin.

One of the great passions of the Azawakh is digging and they love to dig big holes in the garden. This behavior is an inherited, instinctive reaction to the very hot climate of their desert homeland. In the Sahel their large holes (dug for example under the shadow of a bush) are comfortable, cool places to relax and from which to survey their surroundings. It is a good idea to refill the craters from time to time otherwise your well-kept garden will be altered in a short time into an authentic desert landscape! Don´t worry, digging is a great fitness program for both the Azawakh and their owner!